Website Manager

What to Expect - Mid-Winter 2025 Season

The Mid Winter 2025 Season is here! We are excited to have you join us and appreciate your support.

Over the course of this season, we will be sending you emails and texts containing important information. Due to this being a mass email system, please add us to your safe-senders list and frequently check your filters to confirm messages aren't directed to your junk mail, spam, or clutter.

Communication is key to ensure the success of the league experience for everyone. Included are answers to some common questions you may have. If you have any questions throughout the season, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 954-569-6020.

Mid-Winter season registration opens on 10/14/24 and closes on 12/27/2024.
After the registration deadline, late registration may be offered based on availability but is not guaranteed. Late Add Registration is OPEN now. A $25 increase in the registration fee will apply, and players will be assigned to any team with openings in their grade division. Buddy requests cannot be accommodated during late registration, so we strongly encourage early registration if your child wants to play with friends. Once registration is full, a waitlist will be created, and any openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Click here for FIELD LOCATIONS.


October 14th, 2024: Mid-Winter registration opens.

December 27th, 2024:
Registration closes. Today is the last day for a guaranteed spot on a team.

December 28th, 2024:
Late registration begins. Limited space, based on availability.

December 28th - January 10th, 2025:
Team formation, coach confirmations, schedule creation, and more will take place during this period.

January 3rd, 2025:
Late add registration ends.

January 11th, 2025: Mandatory Coaches Meeting
for all volunteers at all league locations. Volunteers will receive a team shirt and a game ball before the season starts.

January 19th, 2025:
All rosters and schedules will be posted.

January 26th, 2025: Meet and Greet Day:
Teams will meet their coaches and participate in their first practice. Please bring your mouthguard, jersey, and flags!

February 2nd, 2025: 1st Day of Games: Practice will take place 1 hour before the scheduled game time each week. Please check your schedule under "Schedules/Standings" for details.

March 9th, 2025: Final Day of Games.
Final Lombardi and Shula Games will take place according to the posted schedule. Madden Playoff & Championship Game times will be determined after Game #5 once standings are finalized. 

March 16th, 2025:
Makeup date if necessary. 

Please note: Schedules for each league are subject to change based on factors such as field availability, weather conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances. Any updates or changes will be communicated promptly, so please check the schedule regularly for the most current information.


  • Jerseys, flag belts, and a mouthguard must be worn each week. Jerseys and flags, along with any additional merchandise ordered during registration, will be distributed during the Meet and Greet. A mouthguard is required for participation—bring your own or purchase one at the Game Day Tent for $5, payable via Zelle.
  • Shorts or sweatpants without pockets should be worn for practices and games. If a participant wears shorts or pants with pockets, the pockets must be taped down to prevent hands or fingers from getting caught when pulling flags.
  • Participants may wear any type of plastic-molded cleats, athletic shoes, or sneakers.


WHEN WILL I HEAR FROM MY COACH? We are hosting our virtual coaches meeting January 11th. You should hear from your coach no later than January 24th.

WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY EQUIPMENT? Jerseys and flags, along with any additional merchandise ordered during registration, will be distributed during the Meet and Greet. Players are required to wear a mouthguard for every practice and game. Additional mouthguards and flag belts will be available for purchase at the field each week.


PLEASE FILL OUT A MERCHANDISE INQUIRY TICKET (CLICK HERE) if you are missing items ordered, received the wrong sizes, or have any questions in regards to your merchandise.

Parent Resources

Dolphins Flag Football League

Phone: 954-569-6020
Email: [email protected]