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Background Check Program

RCX Sports, RCX Sports Leagues, LLC, NFL FLAG, and Flag Universal Inc. are committed to the safety of our participants. We have a comprehensive background check program for coaches and volunteers involved in our programs, which is outlined below:

Background checks are REQUIRED for all Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, and Staff. We currently use Checkr, Inc. to run these checks. This organization is a full-service background screening company's that offers volunteer-based organizations a one-stop-shop for background checks, paperless solutions and child safety training. Volunteer and staff screening is their specialty, including a very thorough national background check service with a national criminal database search, national sex offender check, SSN identity check, and address history, plus a complete re-verification of all criminal hits for guaranteed accuracy on over 400 million national criminal records.

Background Checks have been implemented for the purpose of:
1. Promoting a safe, nurturing, and supportive athletic environment in which youth athletes can pursue their athletic goals.
2. Providing an environment where parents of children can feel good about allowing their child to participate in the sport of flag football. Please note; this screening is not intended to serve as a profiling tool nor can screening guarantee that incidents of abuse by volunteers will not occur. Background screening is designed as a preventative risk management tool but does not ensure inappropriate behavior will not occur.
3. Checkr is our primary national provider for background checks. More information is available on their website at or by contacting their support service.

What volunteers can expect from a background check:
1. We require any team staff who has access or direct contact with youth athletes (under the age of 18) during scheduled practices or games to submit information for a background check, review and acknowledge the Coaches Code of Conduct waiver to be listed on the team roster.
2. Background checks will require an applicant’s full name, social security number, and date of birth.
3. All Fees associated with the mandatory background checks are paid by Flag Universal Inc.
4. Team staff will not receive volunteer/coaching shirts or rosters until a background check is completed.

An individual may be disqualified for the reasons below whether discovered through a background search or other sources.

Automatic Disqualifiers
An individual will be automatically ineligible for licensing by NFL FLAG if a background search reveals that such individual has been convicted of, received a deferred sentence or adjudication for, or pled guilty or no contest at any time for, or has been charged with (a diversion agreement will be considered a charge unless and until the agreement is fulfilled and the charge(s) dismissed), any of the following:

(a) Any felony involving:

  • Murder or homicide regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Sex crimes, involving violence, lack of consent, or inability to consent, including rape and sexual assault regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Sex crimes involving a minor regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Child endangerment, neglect or abuse regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Violent crimes involving weapons (e.g., armed robbery v. unlawful possession) regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Animal abuse regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Other drug-related crimes including distribution, intent to distribute, manufacturing, trafficking, or sale within the previous seven years.*

(b) Any misdemeanor involving:

  • Sex crimes involving violence, lack of consent, or inability to consent, including rape and sexual assault regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Sex crimes involving a minor regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Child endangerment, neglect or abuse regardless of what year the offense took place.
  • Drug use or possession within the previous three years.*
  • Other drug-related crimes including distribution, intent to distribute, manufacturing, trafficking, or sale within the previous seven years.*

(c) Multiple alcohol- and/or drug-related offenses within the previous three years.*

*Period of ineligibility calculated based on offense disposition date.

Potential Disqualifiers

Section 1: An individual will be automatically ineligible for licensing by NFL FLAG if a background search reveals that such individual has been convicted of, received a deferred sentence or adjudication for, or pled guilty or no contest at any time for, or has been charged with (a diversion agreement will be considered a charge unless and until the agreement is fulfilled and the charge(s) dismissed), any of the following:

(a) Any felony involving:

  • Non-violent sex crimes, including lewd conduct, indecent exposure, public indecency, prostitution, voyeurism, pandering and offender registration violations.
  • Violence against a person not included in the Automatic Disqualifiers above.
  • Any other felony within the last 10 years.

(b) Any misdemeanor involving:

  • Non-violent sex crimes, including lewd conduct, indecent exposure, public indecency, prostitution, voyeurism, pandering and offender registration violations.
  • Violence against a person within the previous five years, including harassment and stalking.

(c) Animal abuse within the last 6 years

(d) Financial crimes, including financial fraud, forgery, and embezzlement within the previous 6 years

(e) Multiple alcohol and/or drug-related offense not otherwise included in Section (c) of the Automatic Disqualifiers above.

(f) Multiple felony and/or misdemeanor offenses not otherwise included in the Automatic Disqualifiers.

*Period of ineligibility calculated based on offense disposition date.

Section 2: In addition to the criteria above, an individual may also be disqualified for the following reasons, where NFL FLAG has received appropriate notification:

  • A violation, or charge of a violation, of the NFL FLAG Coach Code of Conduct.
  • A violation, or charge of a violation, of any of NFL FLAG’s bylaws, rules, policies or procedures.
  • Being adjudged liable for civil penalties or damages involving sexual or physical abuse.
  • Being subject to any court order involving any sexual or physical abuse, including but not limited to domestic order or protection.
  • Having had their parental rights terminated.
  • Having a history with another organization (volunteer employment, etc.) of complaints or sexual or physical abuse.
  • Have resigned, been terminated or been asked to resign from a position, whether paid or unpaid, due to complaint(s) of sexual or physical abuse.

Dolphins Flag Football League

Phone: 954-569-6020
Email: [email protected]