Dolphins Flag Football League/Flag Universal
Coach’s Code of Conduct
Our organization is committed to the principles of Positive Coaching and rejects a “win-at-all-costs” mentality. While winning is an important goal, our coaching philosophy emphasizes a second, equally important goal: using the sports experience to help young people learn valuable life lessons and develop positive character traits that will serve them throughout their lives.
To ensure the right atmosphere for these activities, our organization has adopted a zero-tolerance policy in enforcing the Dolphins Flag Football League/Flag Universal, Inc. Coach’s Code of Conduct.
As a coach, I agree to the following:
Player Well-Being: I will prioritize the emotional and physical well-being of my players over my personal desire to win.
Individuality and Development: I will treat each player as an individual and set age-appropriate expectations for their skill development.
Safety: I will provide a safe playing environment for all my players.
Fair Play and Sportsmanship: I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship both on and off the field.
Respect for Officials: I will respect the decisions of referees, coaches, and all officials.
Youth Focus: I will remember that I am coaching youth sports, and the game is for the children, not the adults.
Adherence to the Code: I will adhere to the Flag Universal Inc. Coaches Code of Conduct at all times during my participation in any Flag Universal, Inc. sports activity.
Rule Knowledge: I will be knowledgeable of the rules of the sport I am coaching and will ensure my players understand these rules.
Accountability: I understand that failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in a ban from Flag Universal, Inc. activities for at least one year, after which I may petition for reinstatement.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Coach’s Code of Conduct and agree to uphold it in all aspects of my coaching.
Coach’s Name (Printed): ______________________
Coach’s Signature: __________________________
Date: ______________________